Definition of Ecosphere
- domain of life on Earth
- the thin layer of Earth where life exists
- the intersection of the hydrosphere, lithosphere, and atmosphere where
life exists
- ecosphere = biosphere
- The biosphere is the sum total of all places in which organisms live. It
- hydrosphere
- lithosphere
- atmosphere
System for Classifying Life on Earth
- Kingdom (Monera, Protoctista, Fungi, Platae, Animalia)
- Phyla
- Classes
- Order
- Families
- Genera
- Species
Requirements For Life
- all forms of life (that we know of) require energy and liquid water
- the ultimate source of energy for all life (except some bacteria) is solar
- Earth's unique position
- Mercury and Venus (closer to the sun) receive so much energy that their
water has been vaporized
- The planets further from the sun than Earth receive such low levels of
energy any water present is frozen and unable to sustain life
- The two planets closest to the Earth
- Venus: the surface temperature is high enough to melt lead due to
runaway "Greenhouse Effect"
- Mars: surface temperature is
- Solar energy is converted to chemical energy by Earth's green plants
through photosynthesis
- Photosynthesis is the process plants use to convert inorganic material
into organic matter, using the assistance of light energy
- Light energy enables the smaller inorganic molecules (water and
CO2) into organic sugar molecules
- Process releases oxygen
- Sugar is used as a source of energy by plants and animals that eat the
- Respiration
Ecological Concepts
- Environment - everything that affects an organism in its lifetime
- Abiotic factors of the environment
- flow of energy
- physical factors
- climate
- temperature
- precipitation
- soil, etc..
- Biotic
- all forms of life that an organism interacts with
- Limiting Factors - a shortage or absence of a key factor that restricts
the success of an organism
- Habitat and Niche
- Habitat - the space that an organism inhabits
- soil type
- availability of water
- climate
- plant species, etc..
- Niche - the functional role that an organism has in its surroundings
- Natural Selection - process of more successful individuals surviving and
reproducing larger number of offspring than those that are less successful
- Species - a population of organisms in which the individuals are
potentially able to interbreed and produce fertile offspring
- Mechanisms of Natural Selection
- Charles Darwin (1859) "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural
- Individuals within a species showed variation
- Organisms within a species typically produce many more offspring
than can survive
- The excess number of individuals results in a struggle for survival
- Because of the variation among individuals, some have a greater
chance of surviving and reproducing than others
- As time passes and each generation is subjected to the same process,
the percentage of individuals showing favorable variations will increase
and those having unfavorable variations will decrease
- Kinds of Organism Interactions
- Predation
- Competition
- intraspecific competition
- interspecific competition
- Symbiotic Relationships: a close, long-lasting, physical relationship
between two species in which at least one species derives nourishment from
the other
- Parasitism
- Commensalism
- Mutualism